Somnia (Dream memory)
In this game you play as a child who has awoken and found themselves trapped in a dream, when they first wake up they don't realise this as they are greeted by a being that closely resembles their mother. As they go to sleep that night they are visited by a spirit of another child who, in a panicked state, tells the player to run and escape as fast as they can and that the one they think is their mother is actually a nightmare demon who feeds off of dreaming children, he then wakes you up praying that "you don't meet the same fate as he did". You spring from your bed and proceed to tell your mother about the dream only to witness her in her true form, as you flee from the house you are chased by the demoness but she manages to land a blow on you, sending you tumbling down a cliff as you lose consciousness. You awaken in a nearby village missing an arm, and one of the residents - Kain - tells you about how the nightmare has been killing and imprisoning the souls of the "Lucid" and that if she isn't stopped she would soon have enough power to destroy the dreamworld. Equipped with a prosthetic arm, you set off to free the souls of the lucid and escape from this dream turned nightmare.
This game will be a platformer similar to Super Mario Sunshine and Psychonauts, in which you access different levels through beds scattered around different areas of the world, for example one level would be accessed by going onto a boat docked on the coast and going to sleep on a hammock found inside, when you awaken you find yourself in the middle of a vast ocean filled with tropical islands.
The bosses would be fears linked to the land you awaken in and you can only take on the boss once you have helped out enough of the people living in that dreamland. For example the boss of the ocean level would be linked to the fear of the ocean, or the boss of the sky/cloud level would be linked to the fear of heights.
The two enemies below I originally designed as bosses but decided to change them into enemies that can be found across the world map.

Going to school and playing role playing games with friends
This game would be a turn based jrpg similar to persona. You will play as a child in primary school/ elementary school, who at break times has to fight against imaginary enemies with their friends while equipped with different everyday items found around the playground, for example - a stick or a cricket bat as a weapon.
Doing Parkour
This game would be an platforming action game based on parkour. It would be similar to jet set radio except instead of rollerblading it will be parkour. It will be based around gangs and turf wars and the gameplay will involve racing and doing various other games against enemy gangs to claim turf and rank up in the underground, which is the world that the gangs live in. An enemy that might appear in level would be the police or the army who come to stop the player, when this happens the player must escape.
Getting lost
The game I would make about this would be a 2d platformer about trying to reunite with your guardian/loved ones, It would be similar to other indie platformers like celeste and would involve tricky platforming obstacles and puzzles.