For the Game Jam I worked with Anthony, we decided to make a maze game based around a popular Minecraft Youtuber called "Dream". We wanted to make this in satire but I think that this thought is what held us back from achieving bigger. We aimed to make a maze game where the player would have to navigate through a maze filled with images of Dream telling them that there is no escape, and that he can see you only for you to realise when you reach the exit that you are in fact Dream, and that you have been running from yourself the whole time. In the end of production we discovered that for some reason a mirror that we had made would not work properly so our game was left incomplete. I designed the maze and edited the music and Anthony did research into how to make mirrors in Unity and created the character you play as.

My maze idea I planned out. I didnt put in an exit as there was meant to be no escape from the maze/ yourself.

Here I mapped out the maze before I realised I had an issue with texturing the walls and so in the image below the walls all have the side faces deleted due to the texture being squished.

The images above are all images I used on the walls as a sort of joke for the player going the wrong way, It is a different form of the player and is almost like the world is mocking you.

Here is the setting for the audio I put in to make it sound like it was echoeing as if it was a song playing in a giant supermarket. I used the song made by the youtuber "Dream" himself.