According to Bartles Taxonomy, this game is played by Explorer-Achievers. This game has nice movement and lots of hidden secrets to reward players who use that movement to explore. The game has many maps to be explored and the story is amazing which makes the achievers want to complete the game even more. It allows easy access to earlier levels so that achievers can backtrack if needed when 100% completing the game. To make this game more attractive for killer/dominator players I would make it so that killing enemies gives you some sort of item/currency that allows you to upgrade your attacks and get stronger.
Guilty Gear Strive
According to Bartles Taxonomy, this game is played by Killers. It is a fighting game with online features. It takes alot of skill to play so it gives killers a bigger sense of power after winning, especially after training to get better at the game. It is the most recent entry in a long line of games and has a massive fanbase, lots of players have been playing the game for a long time. To make this game more attractive to explorer players and achievers who are interested in world lore I would make it so that there is an area you can go to learn the lore of characters and the more you play characters the more you unlock their hidden lore and maybe some skins.
Dead by Daylight
According to Bartles Taxonomy, this game is played by Killer-Socialisers. This is because it is a Multiplayer Horror game in which 1 player takes the role as "killer" and 4 players take the role of "survivors" who must navigate the map in search of 5 generators which they must activate in order to escape before they are killed by the killer. It attracts both killers and socialisers because it provides satisfying gameplay for both, playing as killer gives you a great sense of power when you are massacring the survivors with no mercy but at times you can even stop and joke around with them if you feel like it, whereas playing as survivor allows you to play as a team with 3 other friends (or with random people as well) which is great fun for socialiser players who like to play with people and socialise. To make this game attractive for achievers and explorers I think they could hide lore elements around the different maps which when found unlocks secrets in the menu.
Dragons Dogma
According to Bartles Taxonomy, this game is played by Achiever-Explorers. This game has a very big map for players to explore with loads of hidden secrets scattered around, varying from chests with bountiful rewards in them to rare monsters for you to slay and take their parts. It attracts Achievers-Explorers because there are a vast amount of side quests to be completed and many of them take you around the map to complete them. To make this game more attractive for killers and socialisers I think they could add more fantastical beasts around the map as opposed to them being only in a small amount of areas, they could also add faster travelling and online multiplayer so socialisers could invite their friends to their world and fight with them in their party instead of NPCs.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
According to Bartles Taxonomy, this game is played by Explorers. The map in this game is massive, and there isnt a single area in this game where something won't catch your eye and make you want to explore it. It attracts Explorers for this very reason, so many wonderful things are spread across the map, from a lush rainforest to a frozen mountain to a volcanic area where it is so hot that you cannot enter without the right equipment or else you will literally catch fire. To make this game more interesting for socialisers I think they could add a feature in which players can share tips with each other similar to how you can leave notes in the dark souls series.