In class we discussed Game Design Documents and MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics).
In class we learned that the key parts of the game are "Sensation, Fantasy, Narrative, Challenge, Fellowship, Discovery, Expression and Submission."
We were tasked with creating a GDD for 2 games, one using a formula for a GDD we were given and the other using drawings to show mechanics of a game.
The games I chose to use were Psychonauts and Jet Set Radio.
This document specifies a design for the gameplay of a game with the title "Psychonauts". This document is intended to be read by programmers, artists and producers involved in the design, implementation and testing of Psychonauts.
The Game will be based around 10 year old psychic, Razputin Aquato. It will be a platformer that takes place in the minds of characters Razputin encounters.
The game will take place in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp where circus runaway Raz crashes it, he then uncovers that someone is stealing the brains of kids in camp and sets out to find the culprit.
Game Structure
There will be 10 levels that will take place in the mental world, Razputin will have to enter the minds of people to continue with the story.
The game will be available on Xbox and Playstation 2. It will only be single player.
Players will be able to punch and ground slam. They will have access to an array of psychic abilities thatcan be used in combat.
Jet Set Radio
In the photo below I drew out two key mechanics in the game "Jet Set Radio", on the left I drew out the roller skating mechanic, this is key as your way of moving in the game is roller skating and that allows you to grind on walls and rails and go all kinds of places on the map at all kinds of speeds. On the right I drew out the graffiti part of the game, this is important as in the game you go around graffitying over enemy gang's art or over government propaganda.