This page is shows the main points of my prototype project. It shows a full video of how my prototype plays and shows some some ideas that I couldn't figure out how to make so I had to leave them out in order to complete the bigger picture.

My inspiration for the prototype, I modelled the amount of cubes after it to give it the same sense of progression.
My prototype map, I made it so that there are alot of small objects around where the player spawns so that they can build up to the bigger objects. The bigger objects are at the furthest corners and the objects get bigger as you approach them to aid the sense of getting bigger.
At the beginning of the project I intended to make it so that there would be a little character pushing the ball around, I wanted to make this happen by using a simple cylinder as the character but I couldn't think of a way to make this work without it getting in the way of the ball and i couldn't find a way to get it to work.

The game would have had a character behind the ball supposedly rolling it around but I decided to focus on the rolling and picking things up mechanic. I also had to scrap the camera angle seen in this image as there was no way to get the camera to turn and stay centered on the ball.
My last video documenting my project, I tried to make it so that the objects would each have their own mass but that didn't work so I attempted to make it so that each object picked up would make the ball heavier but that didn't work either so I will write about the issue inside the bugs/issues part of my build notes.